explanation of our

Social Justice Through Holistic Therapy Service

Cornerstone practices social justice through providing equitable quality mental health services through our CAP program. The CAP program seeks to remove barriers to receiving quality mental health services by making it affordable to those who are under-employed, under-insurance or uninsured.

Cultural Competence and Humility

Cultural Competence and Humility – The openness and curiosity to lifelong learning surrounding cultural differences that reflect the commitment to leading with humility as we stand with those who feel invisible, not heard and oppressed. As we use cultural competence and humility, we will collaborate with all people, institutions and organizations to identify inequitable systems, unjust differences in power dynamics, thoughts and decisions. To ultimately experience the beauty of the Imago Dei (God’s Image) in Ourselves and our Clients.

Integration of Faith and Practice

The integration of faith and practices are central to the services that Cornerstone delivers to the community and our clients. When requested by a client, our clinicians use evidence-based practices to integrate the faith values of our clients in effective and relevant treatment planning. This is done through using a bio-psycho-social-spiritual model by reviewing both the family of origin and spiritual histories of the client, as well as the social, psychological and biological histories of the client. In addition, all clinicians practice cultural humility to understand and integrate the cultural context of the client.